Recent Internet Law and IP Resources

Nice to see the open source (and free or low cost) casebook movement continue to gather steam. Even better that we are starting to see epub/mobi editions; pdf’s often present poorly on mobile devices:

> Professor Eric Goldman’s [2014 Internet Law casebook and syllabus]( (pdf – $8, hard copy and kindle editions).

> Professors Rebecca Tushnet and Eric Goldman’s [2014 Advertising & Marketing Law casebook]( (pdf and epub editions – $11.50).

> Professor James Boyle (Duke law school) and Jennifer Jenkins’ (Director of Duke’s Center for the Study of the Public Domain) [Intellectual Property: Law & the Information Society; cases & materials (open casebook – 2014 edition)]( (pdf edition – free; paperback – $29.99).

> Professor Barton Beebe’s [Trademark Law: An Open Source Casebook]( (2014) [(pdf and .doc versions – free)](

> Professor James Grimmelmann’s [Internet Law: Cases and Problems 4.0]( (pdf – $30 suggested price).

> The United States Copyright Office has released a public draft of its “[Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition](” (1,222 page [pdf]( – free). Pending final review, the compendium (the first since 1984’s Second Edition) will take formal effect on or around December 15, 2014.