
> #### Law, Tech and Policy

> [Are US Courts Going Dark?]( (May 6, 2016) – US Magistrate Judge, Stephen Wm. Smith at JustSecurity

> [The Second Amendment Case for the Right to Bear Crypto]( (May 11, 2016) – Susan McGregor at MotherBoard

> [Facebook Gets Bad Ruling In Face-Scanning Privacy Case]( (May 6, 2016) – Venkat Balasubramani at Technology and Marketing Law Blog

> [Introducing the ‘Right to Eavesdrop on Your Things’]( – computer science professor Keith Winstein at Politico

> [Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence]( (May 3, 2016) – Ed Felten, Deputy U.S. Chief Technology Officer, announces an AI workshop series and interagency working group

> [Artificially Intelligent Lawyer, IBM’s AI ‘Ross,’ Has Been Hired By Its First Official Law Firm]( (May 11, 2016) – Futurism

> [Hail and Farewell to The Google Books Case]( (May 11, 2016) – law professor James Grimmelmann at PublishersWeekly

> [The Shape of Things]( (April 26, 2016) – Tom Coates at Medium

> [The Proper Channels For Whistleblowers Are Still A Joke]( (May 3, 2016) – TechDirt

> [Tech Titans are Busy Privatizing Our Data]( (April 24, 2016) and [The State has Lost Control: Tech Firms Now Run Western Politics]( (March 27, 2016) – Evgeny Morozov; Also [Digital Pioneer, Jaron Lanier, on the Dangers of ‘Free’ Online Culture]( (April 2016) – WIPO Magazine

> #### General Interest

> [Historic Computers Look Super Sexy in this New Photo Series by Docubyte and Ink]( (May 11, 2016) – Creative Review

> [Inside Palantir, Silicon Valley’s Most Secretive Company]( (May 6, 2016) – BuzzFeed

> [Life is Short]( (January 2016) – Paul Graham