Quote of the Day – On the TPP:
> “You would think as a free trade loving, free market loving venture capitalist I would be a huge proponent of the [Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)]. But I am not. I am very concerned about the copyright provisions in TPP which feel very much in the old world model of intellectual property protection and which would make it hard for the US government to evolve copyright laws in an era of digital content, more open innovation, and remix culture . . . . I realize that perfect is the enemy of the good and you need to have a comprehensive view of a trade bill like this and not focus on one issue. But copyright law is a big deal for the innovation economy and if I were in Congress, I would be seriously thinking about voting no on TPP.”
> — Fred Wilson (Union Square Ventures) at [AVC](http://avc.com/2015/10/tpp/)
> **TPP** [**Final Text**](https://ustr.gov/trade-agreements/free-trade-agreements/trans-pacific-partnership/tpp-full-text)
> **More on the TPP:**
> News Story: [Trans-Pacific Partnership Is Reached, but Faces Scrutiny in Congress](http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/06/business/trans-pacific-partnership-trade-deal-is-reached.html?_r=0) – New York Times
> From the EFF: [The Final Leaked TPP Text Is All That We Feared](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2015/10/final-leaked-tpp-text-all-we-feared) and [EFF TPP explainer](https://www.eff.org/issues/tpp)
> **Analysis and Criticism:**
> [The Trans-Pacific Free-Trade Charade](https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/trans-pacific-partnership-charade-by-joseph-e–stiglitz-and-adam-s–hersh-2015-10) – Joseph Stieglitz and Adam Hersh
> [Here’s the Leaked Trans-Pacific Partnership Document that has Some High-powered Advocates Worried](http://www.businessinsider.com/a-worrisome-leaked-chapter-from-the-trans-pacific-partnership-2015-10) – Business Insider
> Video from the Cato Institute – [TPP in Perspective: 150 Years of U.S. Trade Policy in Less than 4 Minutes](http://www.cato.org/multimedia/cato-video/tpp-perspective-150-years-us-trade-policy-less-4-minutes)
**Previously:** [Impact of Trade Pacts on IP and the Internet (link roundup)](https://www.jrmchale.org/2015/07/impact-of-trade-pacts-on-ip-and-the-internet-link-roundup/)