Facebook “Home” Initial Reaction
**The consensus early reaction, the day after the Facebook Home announcement, appears to be:**
+ Facebook Home is well-designed, with some clever elements such as the messaging bubbles;
+ Google and Android app developers will dislike Facebook’s lock/home-screen and launcher approach which makes Google services and 3rd party apps less visible;
+ Facebook home might appeal to certain Android users in the United States (i.e., Facebook power users and mobile phone newbies), but Facebook Home might be more of a play for new users internationally, particularly in emerging markets;
+ So what’s new: Facebook Home poses additional privacy concerns through enhanced data collection.
**Facebook Home Link Round-up:**
• **What the Analysts are Saying:** A dozen analyst reactions at CNN.Money.
• **How Facebook Home Is (and Isn’t) an OS:** Fast Company.
• App Developers Are Scared Facebook Home Will Bury Their Stuff: Business Insider.
• Facebook Home’s uneasy relationship with Google: Tim Carmody at The Verge.
• I Like It, but I Don’t Like It Like It: Farhad Manjoo at Slate.com.
• Facebook Home at First Glance: Web/App designer, Khoi Vinh.
• The Soul of a New (Facebook) Machine: The Atlantic.
• Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook Home, Money, and the Future of Communication: Steven Levy.