More on the Comcast-Netflix Deal

+ [**Netflix and Net Neutrality**]( — **Ben Thompson** at **Stratechery**:

> “This [Comcast-Netflix] deal is in many ways a win-win for Netflix: they are likely paying less for better quality . . . . Currently non-Netflix broadband subscribers are effectively subsidizing Netflix viewers; they use much less capacity, yet pay the same price. This needs to change for the sake of true net neutrality, and if it results in Netflix losing subscribers, so be it. Unfortunately, this agreement and the others that are soon to follow makes such an arrangement unlikely. Comcast and company are getting paid, so they’re happy, and Netflix is disguising their true cost to end users so they are happy as well. It’s non-Netflix users, and, more distressingly, the startups and services that have yet to be created who are ultimately paying the price”

+ [**Should We Worry that Netflix is Buying Transit Rights from Comcast?**]( — **Tyler Cowen** says no, at **Marginal Revolution**

+ [**Inside The Netflix/Comcast Deal and What The Media Is Getting Very Wrong**]( — **Dan Rayburn** at ****

+ [**Here’s How The Comcast and Netflix Deal Is Structured, With Data & Numbers**]( — **Dan Rayburn** at ****

+ [**Comcast’s Deal with Netflix Makes Network Neutrality Obsolete**]( — **Timothy B. Lee** at **The Washington Post**


FCC’s Net Neutrality Rules Struck Down

The federal appeals court decision strking down parts of the FCC’s open internet (a/k/a “net neutrality”) rules, which were originally issued in 2010: [**pdf**]($file/11-1355-1474943.pdf).

[**”Net Neutrality Quashed – New Pricing Schemes, Throttling, and Business Models to Follow; A court loss for ‘net neutrality’ could mean either a new era of innovation or preferential treatment and higher costs.”**]( MIT Technology Review.
